
Pstossweg 2, 39040 Siusi BZ, Italië


Kastelenroute | wandeling 3 uur



Hiking route in the mountains of Italy | Seiser Alm

Hiking routes along the castles of the Seiser Alm

On the last day of this vacation in the Dolomites we decide to take a nice, reasonably short walk through the mountains. Earlier this week we wanted to walk to the beautiful castles that rise above the forest on the wall of the Schlernmassief, but then we couldn't because of a closed hiking trail (read here). Using the walking map and some fresh tips from our landlord, we drew a walking route that partly does not run along the marked paths. We leave our house again, and head for mountain hut Bad Ratzes. After some good searching, reorientation and some barking sheepdogs we find, via some really nice roads, the mountain hut. Unfortunately this turns out not to be a mountain hut but a luxury resort that doesn't look very inviting for passing hikers. So no coffee break. Too bad, but from here the official route no. 3 starts and we continue in good spirits. Bad Ratzes is a good benchmark on the map to start your hiking route!

Walking along the old castles

This is really a children's walk. Route no. 3. Starts with a few signs explaining a treasure hunt game for children. They have to search the forest for animals carved in the wood. On the way you'll also pass all information-mushrooms with fun facts about knights and the Middle Ages. In this way the tension builds up towards the castles. After about half an hour walk you arrive at the first castle: Rov. Di Hauenstein. There are still quite a few walls and stairs, and the view of the valley is beautiful. We have lunch here on a castle bench and then continue our way. The second castle is Salego Castle. However, before we arrive here we see an enormous rock, about 30 meters above the footpath. We walk to it and see an arrangement of knight's chairs under the rock, with a big iron book full of adventure stories on a stone block. Salego Castle is a bit less than the first castle, actually just a ruin. Still, it's special to realize that this has been there for about 800 years! How many generations of people have lived, ruled, performed their customs and rituals here?

The route to the mountain lake Völser Weiher

Hiking route No. 3 was really fun, and nice to walk with because you don't ascend so much. After the castles you descend a bit and you can continue with walking route no. 2. This is a beautiful forest path that takes us to the mountain lake Völser Weiher. You walk mainly through the forest, but just before you arrive at the lake you get a present. A beautiful piece of open mountain pasture, full of cows and horses. In the background the huge Schlernmassief and around you the quiet grazing animals. You don't hear any cars or people nearby and that's great. The Seiser Alm is really a beautiful area for hiking in the mountains!

At the swimming lake is a mountain hut where we had our last meal this vacation. Cheeseboard, beer, apfelstrüdel, everything comes on the table :) This time we take the bus back to our place of departure. When hiking don't forget to bring your free bus tickets that you get in this area! Through the information leaflet you can easily look up in the table when the bus is coming and where to change, so you don't have to wait long. Just tell the driver where you want to get off the bus, otherwise he'll tear right past it (stop will not be called).

This was a very relaxed walking route, with occasionally very nice views. About 200 meters up and 300 meters down. Good for the whole family, but not really a tough mountain hike.

Hiking routes|Tips and numbers

Route Numbers 3, 2 & 13

For this walk it is best to start at guesthouse Bad Ratzes. Behind this guesthouse you will find the signs with walking route 3 in the direction of the castles. Once past the castles you walk the route 3 until you can't go any further. From here you follow walking route 2 in the direction of the lake Völser Weiher. From the lake we walked route 13 to the bus stop at camping Seiser Alm.

Voor deze bergwandelroute gebruikte wij de wandelkaart: Seiser Alm Kompass nr. 067