#5 reasons to start hiking in the mountains ASAP

Everybody has own reasons

As a mountain hiker, on some days nothing is more important than achieving your goal; that one high mountain peak you've been looking forward to for weeks. What kind of indescribable feeling is it going to give me when I'm standing there, at over 4000 meters high after a climb of almost 9 hours? On other days, a quiet hiking trail in the mountains will satisfy everything you are looking for: Peace and movement in beautiful surroundings. Anyone who walks in the mountains will be able to tell you their own story about why they are mountain hiking. In this blog I will give you five simple, general reasons why everyone should hike in the mountains more!

the five reasons to start mountain hiking

Argument 1 - You will be strong

Hiking in the mountains is a kind of fitness:) Just think of the exercise 'Lunges' you see a lot of people doing in the park or the gym. If you make a lot of altimeters you actually do this exercise all the time. In addition, your back gets stronger, just like your core. Some people even choose to take extra weights in their backpacks up the mountain! Of course, your condition also improves if you regularly hike in the mountains.

Argument 2 - Mental rest and energy

During a beautiful hiking trail you will immerse yourself in your surroundings. You see the beauty of nature while hiking in the mountains. Flowers, streams, rocks and countless small and large animals along the way provide a connection with nature. The worries you have disappear like snow in the sun and the lack of stress about appointments, times and other matters that concern us will make you recharge your batteries during a hike in the mountains.

Argument 3 - It is quite cheap

Seriously, it's not expensive! If you plan your mountain hiking vacation well, you'll sleep in a mountain hut where you'll get breakfast, lunch and dinner for a few tens. Often a lot of hearty food for little money. During the day there's some fruit and lots of carbohydrate-rich food in your backpack that you can take with you from home. Fresh melt water from the mountain is available for free! Honestly, you have to invest every once in a while in a good mountain hiking outfit.

Argument 4 - All these creative ideas!

If you've got a problem or challenge you're running into, go for a leisurely walk in the mountains. The surroundings are guaranteed to inspire you. Also, the distraction of the problem and the focus on the trail and route will make you feel better. Even if there is no problem, a mountain hike often leads to all kinds of creative ideas! Tip, take a notebook with you in your backpack.

Argument 5 - Meeting other people | or not

The mountains are the ideal place to escape people and the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Following a hiking trail on your own or going on an adventure is excellent in the vast, sparsely populated mountain landscapes. However, mountain huts also offer a great opportunity to meet (new) people while hiking in the mountains. Mountain people' is often very relaxed and inviting.

Bonus 6 - Healthy for your body

Finally, this bonus reason. It is very healthy to go into the mountains. Besides the fact that the healthy mountain air is a wonderful change from the air and life in the city, you burn almost 500 calories per kilometer of hiking in the mountains. Also your blood pressure will improve and your cholesterol level will drop.

So... start hiking!

You can start next week, so to speak. Less than 6 hours drive from the Netherlands you will find the Harz Mountains in Germany. Ideal for a long weekend in the mountains without having to fly. I am curious about your reasons to go on an adventure in the mountains! Do you have a nice story or a good reason, please let me know.