Mountain hikes in Germany

Hiking in the German Mountains | Only neighbours and yet fantastic!

Where many Dutch people see Germany mainly as an elongated obstacle with traffic jams and road maintenance on the way to Austria, Switzerland or Italy, it is also a fantastic destination if you want to hike in the mountains. Especially the Bundesländern Baden Württemberg and Bayern are known for their hospitable culture and beautiful hiking areas. Many people will have heard of the 'Black Forest', which is much more than a beautiful dark forest. In addition, there are real Alps to be found in southern Germany and mountaineers can also really adventure around the Zugspitze (2962), Germany's highest mountain.

Hiking areas in Germany

The most beautiful hiking areas of Germany can be found below. Germany can meet the needs of every type of hiker. From rolling hills in Harz and the Black Forest to steep 'Via Ferrata's' at the Alpspitze and Zugspitze!


Less than 5 hours drive from Utrecht you will find the Harz, better known as National Park Harz. It is the northernmost mountain range of Germany, and has many hiking trails for young and old. You will find many accommodation options for tourists and well signposted hiking trails. The highest mountain of this area, the Brocken, is 1142 meters high. read more about this area here.

The Black Forest

The Black Forest is located in southern Germany, in Baden-Württemberg. One of the two southern states of Germany. This hiking area is a delight for mountain hikers. The maximum altitude of this area is 1493 meters and it is suffocated with hiking trails and hikes. Beautiful footbridges, unique castles and large old giant trees are actually a good idea at any time of the year.

German Alps

One of the most famous mountain ranges in Europe, the Alps.did you know that the Alps can be found in all of the following countries? France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Liechtenstein and Hungary! So also Germany has Alps. There are more than 10 mountains to find that are higher than 2500 meters and these are really no hiking mountains where you bump up. Go look for the route along the jubiläumsgrat. You can be a real alpinist climbing along several peaks from the Alpspitze to the Zugspitze.

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