
Becca Della Trav. | Omhoog: 3.30 uur | Omlaag: 2 uur


Gemiddeld, gedeelte naar uiterste top uitdagend

Hiking to Becca de la Traversiere

On the second hiking day of my visit to Valle d'Aosta, today's trip to the peak of the Becca de la Traversiere is on the program. From the hut Rifugio Benevolo follow path 13D. Unlike 13B, to Punta Basei, this route is very well signposted. Getting lost is actually impossible here.

To get out of the valley where Rifugio Benevolo is located, follow a nice winding mountain path up the green ridge on the west side of the hut. From here you can see the green valley and the herd of churning cows grazing. Soon you'll walk into the sun during this climb and it gets nice and warm. Once over the ridge the landscape changes. It becomes rocky and stony but the hiking trail is very passable, even descends a bit. You are on your way to Lago Goletta, an icy cold lake hidden between the mountains. Here you can enjoy good weather and especially with a few children this is a great destination for the day.

Far away Lago Goletta

The hike to Col Bassac Dére

Beyond the lake there is a steep climb over large boulders. The top of the mountain is now straight in sight and is the goal of the day. Through the large boulders you climb quickly and after half an hour of hiking you get a view of the Col. Then follows the most difficult part of the route. A narrow path with many loose boulders brings you to the 3082 meters. Here the view is phenomenal. A huge glacier looms right in front of you. It was so quiet here that I could hear the glacier cracking! From here it is 45 minutes to the top.

Mountain hike to the summit|Pic de la Traversiere

From the Col the road turns left, towards the summit. You can see it well and the path is clear. The last part of the trail is quite steep but it is not really dangerous or difficult. You can feel your legs, but the top is long and wide enough to relax. And that's what you want, because the view is fantastic! In the northwest you look straight on Mont Blanc, and the northeast on the Matterhorn. Tip, take your binoculars with you when you go hiking:)

Belvedere Granta Parei

After about an hour of descending towards the Rifugio Benevolo, I end up at the top of the green slope where you can see the hut. However, suddenly I see a turn to the right, towards the foot of the glacier of the Granta Parei. Only 45 minutes walk and it is only a quarter to 2, do it! Actually, here you walk up the ridge of the Granta Parei and slowly climb towards the snow. Highly recommended that makes your day even more adventurous! From the foot of the glacier you can also look down about 700 meters and see the mountain hut. There a nice cold beer awaits you, but not before you have cooled your feet in the ice-cold brook just before the bridge.

Haven't seen the route of day one yet? Lees hier over Punta Basei vanuit Refugio Benevolo

Hiking route| Numbers and advice

Routenumbers 13D

For this hike to the top of the mountain you can start in Rifugio Benevolo. You can also start from the parking lot in Thumel, but then your hike is 1.5 hours longer. Until the col of this mountain is hiking route 13D very good to find on the yellow signs. From the col no more signs, but with good views of the top and a visible path you get nowhere in trouble.